July 20, 2010


love....wat is it exactly?i've look over the website wat is the definition of love,but,they can tell u thousands meaning of love..'a strong positive emotion of regard and affection' or ' a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction' or bla..bla..bla..too much definitions..
its true,okay..no doubt for all of these definitions..but,for me,love is a gift..anugerah drpd Allah..memberi kita satu peluang utk memiliki cinta..bukan shaja utk psgn hidup,tetapi yg paling penting,cinta kepada Allah,cinta kpd Rasul,cinta kpd ibu-bapa, adik-beradik, kwn2, ha, jiran-tetangga pun ye jugak,yela,jiranla yg byk tolong kita if smthng happens,right..huhu..
selagi nyawa masih ada,bersyukurla atas kurniaan n anugerah Allah ini..mmberi sebentuk hati utk merasai cinta..
I really don't regret about anything happens in my past..ya,i do love him so much,my first love,kot..until now, our memory will be secretly kept deeply in my heart..ok,stop telling dis story..my tears will came again..huhu..i just wanna to thank to Allah for giving me dat opportunity to love someone like him..
"Love is sometimes denied, sometimes lost, sometimes unrecognized, but in the end, always found with no regrets, forever valued and kept treasure"
I think..dah lame saya xsebut tentang cinta dlm hidup saya..but,liking someone yg hensem,cool tu adalah but,it's normal,okay, for a girl..hihi..act,apa yg terpanggil utk saya teringat kembali pada cinta..disebabkan oleh my besfriend;
"husna, kamu pernah bercinta?"he asked me.
"em??soalan apekah ini..."i reply.
sorry,gary,i reply ur question in dat way..n then,he reply again;
"soryla,but,i want to know,wat exactly the feeling when u fall in love with someone,ekh?"
"huhu..actually, i had already break-up with my first love..even about 4yrs ago..n now,i'm still single n still looking 4 the right guy..then, suddenly u asked me about dis question...how could i gonna to answer it,gary?hahha.."i'm still laughing in the end..bcz i don't wanna him feel sorry about me..
"owh,then, with whom should i ask about love,husna?"
"actually,gary, this thing,i mean, love, if u ask anyone, the answer that u'll get absolutely different..u can ask me, and my answer would be different if u ask someone yg tgh dok hangat bercinta..btol,x?..so,in the end, berbalik smula pd diri kamu..wat u want for love,apa yg kamu harapkan n apa kamu impikan..i think u should learn by urself..try to love someone n learn from it.. love sometime canbe sweet as sugar,babe,but,sometime,ia akn mnjadi pahit utk ditelan.." i answered him..hihi..soryla,gary, if what i've said do not help u much..huhu..
"owhh..thanks,husna..but,xnkla yg pahit2 tu..cinta perlu manis shja,kn..?" he answered me with a smile face.
"owh, kalau kamu xnak yg pahit itu,camne kamu mahu merasakan pengalaman bercinta..in relationship,pahit manis sume tu..u must go through..if not,u would not get the true love..huhu"
"owh..i got it..then, i kene ngorat ramai perempuan la,baru dpt byk pengalaman.."
"owh..gatal yer kamu.plz,jgn permainkan perasaan kaum hawa,k"
"hihi..i can't promise on that.."
"owh,how could u?t,kalau kamu nangis, jgn berani cari saya.huhu"
"xnk,saya akn cari kamu juga."
"huhu..yela2,i'll be here..saya kan besfrend kamu."in the end, dia tetap mengusik saya..saya dh biasa ngn 'usikan skema' dia ni..hahha..always look innocent~
>buat gary...saya harap satu hari nanti kamu akan dapat mencari kebahagiaan yang kamu inginkan..saya doakan kamu bertemu jodoh dengan seorang wanita yang solehah n akan mnjaga kamu hingga akhir hayat.Amin<


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